# Facebook Lead Ads - List Adset insights action

The List Adset action allows you to retrieve a complete list of ad sets in Facebook by account ID.

List adset actionFacebook Lead Ads - List Adset action

# Input

Field Description
Ad account ID Input the unique identifier of the Facebook ad account to retrieve the ad sets.

# Output

Field Description
Adset ID The unique identifier for the ad set.
Account ID The identifier for the advertising account.
Adlabels Labels associated with the ad set.
Bid strategy The bidding strategy used by the ad set.
Budget remaining The remaining budget for the ad set.
Campaign ID The identifier for the campaign associated with the ad set.
Configured status The configured status of the ad set.
Created time The time when the ad set was created.
Daily budget The daily budget allocated to the ad set.
Effective status The effective status of the ad set.
Issues info Information on issues related to the ad set.
Lifetime budget The total budget allocated for the ad set lifetime.
Adset name The name of the ad set.
Pacing type The type of pacing used for the ad set.
Promoted object The promoted object in the ad set.
Recommendations Recommendations for the ad set based on performance.
Source adset The original ad set that the ad set derived from.
Source adset ID The identifier for the source ad set.
Start time The start time of the ad set.
Status The current status of the ad set.
Updated time The last time the ad set details were updated.
List size The total number of ad sets in the list.
List index The index of the ad set within the list.

Last updated: 1/26/2024, 2:43:28 PM

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