# Microsoft Dynamics 365- Export new or new/updated records trigger (bulk)

This trigger activates when a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is created or updated. This trigger retrieves records in batches and streams them as a CSV.

You can use this trigger in conjunction with the Get object schema action to retrieve the name and schema of a specific object and copy it to a database or data warehouse.

Learn more about bulk triggers and ELT/ETL processes.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Object Select any standard or custom Microsoft Dynamics 365 object, such as a lead you plan to monitor.
CSV columns Select the object fields you plan to use as columns in the CSV file content. If this field is left blank, Workato returns all fields as columns.
Filter condition Add a condition to filter the records. Use OData $filter syntax, such as, contains(name,'sample') and revenue gt 1000000. Learn more about filters (opens new window).
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from When you start recipe for the first time, it picks up trigger events from this specified date and time. Defaults to one hour after the recipe starts. After the recipe runs or is tested, this value cannot be changed. Learn more (opens new window).
When exporting records to form the CSV, fetch them in batches of Optional. This trigger fetches the records in a set batch before streaming it. Use this to control the size of the batch of records obtained from Microsoft Dynamics 365. The maximum value is 100. Defaults to 100 records. In most cases, Workato recommends using the default value.

# Output fields

Field Description
File content This datapill contains the output of the trigger. Take note to utilize it primarily alongside streaming compatible actions like S3 upload file streaming action.
Object name Name of the object being retrieved. The object name is issue for this trigger.
Object schema The schema of the object being retrieved, based on the fields the user has selected. Each field has with it the associated name, label, original datatype, and mapped datatype. This allows for easy processing.
Created or updated from The time and date the record was created or updated.

Last updated: 10/20/2023, 5:28:19 PM