# Registering a new client

The prebuilt Workato connectors are designed to meet most of your business needs. However, there are instances with requirements that go beyond the scope of Workato's prebuilt connectors.

# Why register a new client

In cases where the scope of the prebuilt connector is insufficient, you must register a custom client with relevant scopes to satisfy your use-case.

This applies only to connectors that use OAuth 2.0 authentication. These connectors use OAuth 2.0 clients to interact with the API on behalf of your account, and usually have a fixed set of scopes attached to it. This means that the connector may not be able to interact with all the endpoints of an API.

# Use custom clients with Workato connected apps

To use a custom client, you must create a custom connector. Use your custom client credentials with the HTTP universal connector or the SDK. This enables you to use the additional scopes from your custom client together with other connectors on Workato's platform.

# Callback URL

Many cloud apps use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. Part of the OAuth 2.0 flow involves a callback URL (or Redirect URL). Some cloud apps, like Google, require you to register this callback URL at the point of client registration. It may also involve authorizing this URL. This is a security measure to prevent unwanted access to your account. If you do not register the callback URL, you may encounter an error like this.

400 Error. Redirect URI mismatch 400 Error. Redirect URI mismatch

Use the callback URL for your data center region to complete the flow with Workato:

# US data center callback URL


# Europe data center callback URL


# Japan data center callback URL


# Singapore data center callback URL


# Australia data center callback URL


# Register a new client with a callback URL

The following steps provide an example of how to register a new client on the Google Cloud Platform.


Select Create credentials > OAuth client ID.

Google Cloud Platform API CredentialsGoogle Cloud Platform API Credentials


Select Web application and enter the name you plan to use in the Name field.


Enter https://app.workato.com/oauth/callback in the Authorized redirect URIs field.

Create OAuth client IDCreate OAuth client ID


This step is where most people encounter an Invalid Redirect message. To resolve this, select authorized domains list.

Invalid redirect URLInvalid redirect URL


Click Create > Client credentials. The OAuth consent screen page displays. Alternatively, you can access this page by selecting APIs & Services > Credentials > OAuth consent.

OAuth consent screenOAuth consent screen


Enter Workato in the Application name field.

Application nameApplication name


Select Add scope and enter the following scopes:

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group
  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user

Add scopeAdd scope


Enter workato.com in the Authorized domains field and click Save.

Authorize Workato.comAuthorize Workato.com (opens new window)


Click Create credentials > OAuth client ID.

Google Cloud Platform API CredentialsGoogle Cloud Platform API Credentials


Click Web application and enter the name you plan to use in the Name field.


Enter https://app.workato.com/oauth/callback in the Authorized redirect URIs field and click Create.

Accepted redirect URLAccepted redirect URL

Your custom client is now on Google Cloud Platform.

New custom clientNew custom client

# Retrieve client credentials

Now your custom client is ready to be connected to Workato. Open your custom client (for example, Workato) to view the client credentials. You will need the client ID and client secret for OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Client credentials Client credentials

# Frequently encountered problems

We noticed that some of our customers were misdirected to verify the domain http://www.workato.com on Google Cloud Platform like in the screenshot below.

Request to verify domain Request to verify domain

This is not a required step. If you find yourself at this page, return to APIs & Services > Credentials (Step 1).

Last updated: 5/2/2024, 9:11:59 PM