# Handling JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a syntax for storing data. It is perhaps the most popular and widely used data format in the world of APIs. JSON is based on name/value pairs and arrays, put together in a simple format which makes it highly readable and easily transmitted.

JSON is mostly hidden from regular Workato users because we expose data as input fields and output datapills in the recipe. However, you may occasionally handle raw JSON data in your specific workflow automation.

Let's use this sample JSON as an example - an array of contacts:

    "Name" : {
      "first_name" : "Sally",
      "last_name" : "Jones"
    "Address": {
      "street" : "20450 Stevens Creek Blvd #150",
      "city" : "Cupertino",
      "st" : "CA",
      "postal": "95014"
    "phone" : "4105554119"
    "Name" : {
      "first_name" : "Bob",
      "last_name" : "Towner"
    "Address": {
      "street" : "1 Hacker Way",
      "city" : "Menlo Park",
      "st" : "CA",
      "postal": "94025"
    "phone" : "8552982507"

# JSON Parser by Workato

The easiest way to convert raw JSON content into usable datapills is to parse it with the built-in JSON parser. JSON parser by Workato is a native application that does not require any connection setup.

Select App > JSON parser by Workato to get started.

JSON parser JSON parser

# Input field

Input field Description
Sample document A sample JSON that has the same format as the JSON document to be parsed.
Document The input JSON content to be parsed.

# Output fields

Datapills will be generated according to the JSON format in the Sample document. In our example, an array output is generated, with nested objects name and address.

# Developing custom connectors

JSON parser by Workato excels with off the cuff handling of raw JSON data. However, if you will be frequently interacting with such data, it is advisable to customize a more permanent solution with the HTTP connector or Connector SDK.

Custom connector Description
HTTP connector The HTTP connector is a convenient way to handle raw data from APIs. Refer to our HTTP connector course (opens new window) for a detailed guide and examples on building HTTP triggers and actions to handle JSON data.
Workato connector SDK Workato connector SDK is an extension of the Workato framework. It supports a variety of authentication procedures and allows developers to build, maintain, and distribute connectors to integration-seekers. Please refer to the main Workato SDK documentation for more details.

Refer to our documentation on the HTTP vs SDK for a detailed comparison.

Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM