# Environments for Embedded customers

The Embedded Environments feature integrates dedicated environments into your Workato workspace, allowing you to access all customer environments under the same Admin workspace. Embedded Environments aggregates usage metrics for your customers.

Your customers have built-in access to Development, Test, and Production environments when the Environments feature is provisioned. You can define different roles to a single collaborator in each environment. Note that each environment operates as a separate and isolated workspace, essential for maintaining the integrity and independence of development, testing, and production activities. Each environment includes its own set of resources, ensuring a clear distinction and operational independence between them. These resources include:

  • Assets
  • Members
  • Projects
  • Recipes
  • Connections
  • Lookup tables
  • Other asset types

Environments for Embedded customers is compatible with Recipe Lifecycle Management API and UI tools.


The Embedded Environments feature is gradually being rolled out for Embedded partners. You can provision Environments for selected customers or across your entire customer base. Note that Admin workspaces are excluded from this feature. Contact your Customer Success Manager to access Environments. Embedded Environments is available at no additional cost.

# Embedded Environments architecture

The Admin workspace is the top level in the Embedded Environments architecture. Embedded Customer (EC) workspaces (with or without) Environments provisioned are nested beneath the Admin workspace.

flowchart TD a["Admin"] --> b["Customer 1"] a --> c["Customer 2"] a --> d["Customer 3"] a --> e["Customer 4"] subgraph x[Environments] direction LR B["Development"] C["Test"] D["Production"] end subgraph z[Environments] direction LR BB["Development"] CC["Test"] DD["Production"] end e --> x d --> z B -..-> C B -..-> D BB -..-> CC BB -..-> DD classDef default fill:#b3e0e1,stroke:#51c2b9,stroke-width:1px;

# Environments

Customer workspaces with the Environments feature provisioned have the following environments:

Environment Description
Development The Development environment serves as the primary area for the entire development process. Equipped with exclusive features, it allows for recipe development, project deployment to subsequent environments, and team and account settings management. The collaborators and API clients tabs are only accessible in the Development Environment, located under the workspace admin section.
Test The Test environment is used to perform recipe testing, quality assurance reviews, and user acceptance testing.
Production The Production environment is where automated processes are deployed after being tested, reviewed, and approved.

# Deployment

You can deploy projects from the Development environment to the Test environment and from the Development environment to the Production environment.

graph LR A(Development) --> B(Test) classDef default fill:#b3e0e1,stroke:#b3e0e1,stroke-width:4px;
graph LR A(Development) --> B(Production) classDef default fill:#b3e0e1,stroke:#b3e0e1,stroke-width:4px;

We recommend that you always use Deploy entire project when using Embedded Environments.

graph LR X["Admin"] --> Y["Project 1"] X --> Z["Project 2"] subgraph "Embedded Customer 1" B["Development"] C["Test"] D["Production"] classDef default2 fill:#b3e0e1, background-fill:#b3e0e1, stroke:#51c2b9,stroke-width:1px; end B -..-> C B -..-> D Y -.RLCM..-> B classDef default fill:#b3e0e1,stroke:#51c2b9,stroke-width:1px;

# Enable Environments

Explore the benefits of using Embedded Environments.

# More resources

Last updated: 5/17/2024, 5:50:10 PM