# Approvals bot assets

This accelerator's assets include the following files and their components:

  • approval-bot-msteams.zip is the core asset package that you import into your Workato workspace to implement the Approval bot in Microsoft Teams.
  • approval-bot-slack.zip is the core asset package that you import into your Workato workspace to implement the Approval bot in Slack.

# approval-bot-msteams.zip

You must install this core asset package into your workspace to implement the Approval bot in Microsoft Teams.

This package includes the following components:

  • 7 recipes
    • 5 Workbot action recipes (commands to the workbot for Microsoft Teams)
    • 1 custom schedule recipe
    • 1 callable recipe
  • 1 lookup table
    • approval_bot_teams.lookup_table.json
  • 2 Connections
    • ABT | CON-001 | Microsoft Teams
    • ABT | CON-002 | Google Sheets
  • 1 common data model
    • Microsoft Teams Adaptive Cards Structure

# approval-bot-slack.zip

You must install this core asset package into your workspace to implement the Approval bot in Slack.

This package includes the following components:

  • 6 recipes
    • 2 callable recipes
    • 4 standard recipes
  • 1 lookup table
    • approval_bot_slack.lookup_table.json
  • 2 connections
    • ABS | CON-001 | Slack
    • ABS | CON-002 | Google Sheets

Last updated: 2/22/2024, 11:17:11 PM