# Start the recipes

You must start the recipes in the Approval bot accelerator in a specific order.

# Start the recipes for Microsoft Teams

If you implement the Approval bot in Microsoft Teams, you must start the recipes in this accelerator in the following order:

  1. ABT | REC-001 | Requests from Source System
  2. ABT | CALL-007 | Request to Microsoft Teams
  3. ABT | REC-002 | Approve/Reject Request from Microsoft Teams
  4. ABT | REC-003 | Approvals Home Tab
  5. ABT | REC-004 | Sub Menu items
  6. ABT | REC-005 | Show requests
  7. ABT | REC-006 | Pending Requests Reminders

# Start the recipes for Slack

If you implement the Approval bot in Slack, you must start the recipes in this accelerator in the following order:

  1. ABS | REC-001 | Slack Request Parent Recipe
  2. ABS | CALL-002 | Request to Slack
  3. ABS | REC-003 | Approve/Reject Request from Slack
  4. ABS | REC-004 | Slack Homepage Event
  5. ABS | REC-005 | Pending Approval Summary
  6. ABS | CALL-006 | Slack Update Homepage

Last updated: 2/22/2024, 11:17:11 PM