# Automation HQ usage
Automation HQ enables you to consolidate subscription plans and billing for total task usage across your organization. With a single view of usage and limits, you gain clear insights into costs and can effectively manage subscriptions.
In Automation HQ, workspaces share a pooled task limit. You can distribute these limits across managed workspaces and make adjustments as needs evolve.
The Usage interface provides a comprehensive Plan overview for your organization. It contains details such as the available tasks in your plan, the organization’s current usage, and the plan’s renewal date.
Additionally, the Task usage and Recipe usage charts display usage across workspaces and offer flexible reporting periods. Hover over chart elements to view monthly intervals, workspace-specific consumption, and trends in overall usage.
Workspace usage
# Plan overview
The Plan overview section provides a snapshot of your plan and usage across all workspaces. Here, you can review total tasks available, tasks consumed, the percentage used, and the renewal date.
Plan overview
# Task usage
The Task usage section displays task consumption across managed workspaces. Use the Period filter to adjust the reporting timeframe and select a Chart view to see monthly or cumulative task usage. You can toggle workspaces on the chart to focus on specific usage patterns across your organization.
Task usage
# Recipe usage
The Recipe usage section displays recipe consumption across workspaces. Hover over the chart to view monthly and daily usage trends. By default, the chart shows all workspaces; toggle individual workspaces to analyze specific usage patterns.
Recipe usage
Last updated: 11/5/2024, 6:04:00 PM