# Asana connector - Create task action

This action allows you to create task in Asana. Tasks must be created in a Asana workspace.

You can use the List workspaces action to view all available workspaces for the authorized user.

# Input

Field Description
Sample workspace Custom fields defined in your Asana workspace or project. These are listed automatically after you select the workspace or project URL.
Workspace ID
The workspace ID. You can find the Workspace ID in the admin console URL, for example https://app.asana.com/admin/{workspace_gid}.
Projects The project this task is associated with.
Assignee status The status of the people assigned.
Completed Whether the task is completed.
Due on The date when the task is due.
Due at The date and time when the task is due.
Heart this Whether to add a heart to this task.
Task name The name of the task.
Description The description of the task.
Assignee The people that are assigned to this task.
Followers The people that follow this task.
Tags The tags attached to this task.
Start on Schedule a start date. If you provide this value, specify either the Due on or Due at field.
Like this Whether to add a like to this task.

# Output

There is no output for this action.

Last updated: 2/2/2024, 8:05:18 PM

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