# Asana connector - Get task details by ID action

This action allows you to retrieve the details of a task by ID in Asana.

# Input

Field Description
Task ID
The task ID can be found at the end of URL of the task page.
Workspace ID
The workspace ID.
Projects The project this task is associated with.

# Output

Field Description
Task ID The task ID.
Assignee The people that are assigned to this task.
Assignee status The status of the people assigned.
Completed Whether the task is completed.
Completed at The date and time when the task was completed.
Created at The date and time when this record was created.
Due on The date when the task is due.
Due at The date and time when the task is due.
Followers The people that follow this task.
Heart this Shows whether the authorized user has hearted this task.
Number of hearts The number of hearts added to the task.
Hearts The people that have hearted this task.
Start on The start date of this task.
Like this Shows whether the authorized user has liked this task.
Number of likes The number of likes added to the task.
Likes The people that have liked this task.
Modified at The date when the task was last modified.
Task name The name of the task.
Description The description of the task.
Projects The projects that this task belongs to.
Parent Task The parent task for this task.
Workspace The workspace that this task belongs to.
Memberships The membership details about this task.
Tags The tags attached to this task.
Created by The user that created this task.

Last updated: 2/2/2024, 8:05:18 PM

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