# Get sign request action

The Get sign request action retrieves details of an existing sign request within Box.

Get sign request action Box - Get sign request action

# Input

Input field Description
Sign request ID Input the ID of the sign request to retrieve its details.

# Output

Output field Description
ID The unique identifier for the sign request.
Type The type of the action performed.
Are reminders enabled Indicates whether reminders are enabled for the sign request.
Are text signatures enabled Indicates whether text signatures are enabled.
Auto expire at The date and time when the sign request is configured to automatically expire.
Days valid The number of days the sign request remains valid.
Declined redirect URL The URL to which signers are redirected if they decline to sign a document.
Email message The content of the email message sent with the sign request.
Email subject The subject line of the sign request email.
External ID The identifier used to link the sign request to an external system.
Is document preparation needed Indicates whether document preparation is required before sending.
Is phone verification required to view Indicates whether phone verification is required to view the document.
Name The name given to the sign request.
Parent folder The folder where the signed documents are stored.
Prefill tags Tags used for prefilling content in the document.
Prepare URL The URL provided for document preparation.
Redirect URL The URL for redirecting after the document is signed.
Sign files The list of files included in the sign request.
Signature color The color specified for the signatures.
Signers The list of signers involved in the sign request.
Signing log The log detailing the signing process.
Source files The original files used for the sign request.
Status The current status of the sign request.
Template ID The identifier for the template used in the request.

Last updated: 3/28/2024, 6:15:43 PM

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