# Box Trigger - New file in folder

Triggers when a new file is added to a specified folder. The trigger picks up new files created from the time the recipe has started. It checks the selected folder for new files every 5 minutes.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Folder Folder to monitor for new files. Select from the dropdown list or input folder ID.
Include sub-folders Whether the trigger will pick up files in sub-folders as well.

This trigger supports Trigger conditions, which can filter incoming trigger events.

# Output fields

Field name Description
ID ID of the file.
Name File name.
Type Type of this object, which in this case is file.
Description Description of file.
Size Size of file.
Shared link
- URL Shared link URL for viewing file.
- Download URL Shared link URL for downloading file.
Created at Date/time file is created.
Modified at Date/time file is modified.
Trashed at Date/time file is trashed.
Purged at Date/time file is purged.
Content created at Date/time file content is created.
Content modified at Date/time file content is modified.
Sequence ID Position of this object in the folder hierarchy.
Etag Entity tag of this object.
Sha 1 SHA-1 hash value of this object.
Parent Includes details about the file's parent folder.
- ID ID of parent folder.
- Name Name of parent folder.
- Type Object type, which in this case is folder.
- Sequence ID Position of this object in the folder hierarchy.
- Etag Entity tag of this object.
Path File path.
Path collection Includes details of all paths this file belongs to.
- Total count Number of file paths.
- Entries File path entries.
-- ID ID of file path.
-- Name File path.
-- Type Type of file path.
-- Sequence ID Position of this object in the folder hierarchy.
-- Etag Entity tag of this object.
-- List size Number of items in this Entries list.
Created by Includes details about user who created this file.
- ID ID of user.
- Name Name of user.
- Type Type of user.
- Login Login email of user.
Modified by Includes details about user who modified this file.
- ID ID of user.
- Name Name of user.
- Type Type of user.
- Login Login email of user.
Owned by Includes details about user who owned this file.
- ID ID of user.
- Name Name of user.
- Type Type of user.
- Login Login email of user.
Item status Status of this file, for example, active.

Last updated: 11/3/2023, 8:24:13 PM