# Bynder action - Update record

This action allows you to update the values or content of any existing asset or collection.

Note that updating an asset in Bynder requires the MEDIAEDIT security role and the MARKPUBLIC security role in order to change an asset's isPublic state.

Updating collection in Bynder also requires the COLLECTIONS security role and the PUBLISHCOLLECTIONS security role in order to change a collection's isPublic state.

# Input fields

Field Description
Object Select the object (asset or collection) you want this action to update.
Object-specific search fields After selecting the object you want to search, you'll be shown search fields relating to the object. You can search using any standard fields.

# Asset fields

Field name Description
Asset ID
ID of the asset.
Name Name of the asset
Description Description of asset.
Copyright Label for the copyright information of the asset.
Date Published Date/time the asset is published
Tags Comma-separated list of tags related to the asset.
Metaproperty Id Metaproperty options to set on the asset.
Brand Id Id of the brand associated with the asset
Archive The archived state of the asset.
Archive Date Archive datetime.
Watermarked Indicates whether or not the asset is watermarked. When 0, the asset is not watermarked.
Watermark Date Watermark datetime.
Limited Indicates whether or not the asset is hidden for users who do not have the permission to access. When 0, the asset is not labeled Limited Use.
Limited Date Limited datetime.
isPublic Indicates whether or not the response should only contain assets marked as public.

# Collection fields

Field name Description
Collection ID
ID of the collection.
Collection Name Name of the collection
Collection Description Description of collection.
Public state of the collection The state of whether the collection is public or not

Last updated: 7/12/2021, 8:36:52 AM