# Get message details action

This action retrieves the details of a specific message in Cisco Webex Teams.

# Input fields

Field Description
Message ID Enter the unique ID of the message to retrieve.

# Output fields

Field Description
Room type The type of the room where the message was posted.
HTML The HTML content of the message.
Message ID The unique ID of the message.
Person ID The ID of the person who sent the message.
Person email The email address of the person who sent the message.
Room ID The ID of the room where the message was posted.
Message The text content of the message.
Markdown The Markdown content of the message.
Attachments An array of attachments included in the message.
Recipient ID The ID of the recipient for private messages.
Recipient email The email address of the recipient for private messages.
Created The timestamp when the message was created.

Last updated: 12/12/2024, 6:43:50 PM