# Coupa - Supplier actions

Workato supports the ability for you to get supplier sites by supplier in Coupa. More supplier actions are available via our generic object actions. To create, update, or query suppliers on Coupa, use generic actions instead and select suppliers when prompted for an object.

Supplier specific actions

  • Get supplier sites by supplier

# Input fields for supplier actions

This action only requires you to define which supplier you want to retrieve the supplier site data from. Select from a drop-down list of suppliers which Workato pulls from your Coupa account or generate it dynamically by toggling the settings such that you can add datapills from earlier on in your recipe. For the second option (Use custom value), this field accepts the Coupa internal supplier ID so be sure to use that instead of the name of the supplier to avoid any unexpected behavior in your recipes.

Selecting an object

Selecting an object in the Coupa connector

# Get supplier sites by supplier

When this action is executed, it searches for this particular supplier in Coupa and returns all supplier sites associated with the supplier.

# Output fields

This action returns a list of supplier sites associated with the supplier.

# List of triggers and actions

Workato currently supports the following triggers and actions. Find out more details about each by clicking on the links below. You can also navigate to them through the sidebar.

Last updated: 4/5/2023, 11:28:53 AM