# Deputy - Associate employee action

This action allows you to associate an employee with an existing employee workplace and/or employee agreement.

Associate employee action Associate employee action

# Input fields

The employee to associate items with. Supports selection from a list of available employees in your Deputy instance or manual input of the employee ID.
Employee workplace
The employee workplace to be associated with the employee. Supports selection from a list of available workplaces in your Deputy instance or manual input of the workplace ID.
Employee agreement
The employee agreement to be associated with the employee. Supports selection from a list of available agreements in your Deputy instance or manual input of the agreement ID.
Optional field.
Set workplace as primary
Makes the newly-associated workplace as primary workplace if set to true/1. Defaults to false/0.
Optional field.

# Output

The output of this action is a datatree that contains information about the employee object associated.

Last updated: 9/5/2022, 6:54:16 AM