# Dropbox - Folder actions

This section will highlight the actions you can carry out on folders in Dropbox.

# Create folder

This action allows you to create a new folder in Dropbox. This action will fail if the parent folder already contains a folder of the exact same name as the one you want to add.

Create folder action

Create folder action

# Input fields

Field name Description
Folder name Name of the folder you want to create.
Folder The parent folder location to which you want to add your newly created folder to.

# Output fields

Field name Description
ID ID of the created folder.
Name The name of the created folder.
Path The path of the newly created folder.
Is directory Whether this is a directory/folder.

# Search folder

This action allows you to retrieve a list of folders whose name contains the keywords that you have input. Partial matches will also be returned.

Search folder action

Search folder action

# Input fields

Field name Description
Search keywords Separate keywords with spaces. Search will return folders containing all entered keywords in name
Folder Search is performed on this folder as well as its sub-folders.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Folders The list of folders retrieved as well as the contents of each folder.
- ID The ID of the folder retrieved.
- Name The name of the folder retrieved.
- Path The path of the folder retrieved.
- Is directory Whether this is a directory/folder.

Last updated: 6/14/2021, 11:09:34 PM