# Get rows action

This action allows you to retrieve rows from a Google Sheets spreadsheet, returning the first 10,000 rows by default. To return a different number of rows, specify the range in the Range field.

Get Rows action Get rows action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Google Drive Choose the Google Drive account containing the spreadsheet from which you plan to retrieve rows. This field defaults to your personal drive.
Spreadsheet Select the spreadsheet that contains the sheet you plan to use.
Sheet Select the specific sheet within the spreadsheet from which you plan to retrieve rows. Ensure the sheet has at least one header row and one data row.
Range Specify the rows you plan to retrieve. Ensure you use the correct format: Start row:End row. For example: 2:2000 retrieves rows 2 to 2,000. Note that the range starts from the second row because the first row is the header row.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Spreadsheet ID The unique identifier for the spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet name The name of the spreadsheet.
Sheet name The name of the sheet from which rows are retrieved.
Rows The rows retrieved from the sheet.

Last updated: 8/29/2024, 3:00:41 PM