# New row in sheet in Team Drive trigger

This trigger detects new rows added at the bottom of your selected sheet. When the recipe starts for the first time, it detects all existing rows in the sheet, excluding the header row. Subsequently, it picks up new rows added at the end of the sheet.

Note that rows added in the middle of the sheet are not detected. Don't delete any row from the sheet when this trigger is active, as it can disrupt tracking.


This trigger works exclusively with Team Drive. For My Drive, use the New row in sheet in My Drive trigger instead.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Trigger poll interval Specify how frequently to check for new events. This field defaults to five minutes if left blank. The minimum value allowed is five minutes.
Google Drive Select a team drive.
Spreadsheet Select the spreadsheet to monitor for new rows.
Sheet Choose the sheet to monitor for new rows. The sheet must have at least one header row and one data row.
Add column names manually? Indicate whether to add column names manually. Defaults to No.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Spreadsheet ID The unique identifier for the spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet name The name of the spreadsheet.
Sheet name The sheet name.
Row number The row number.

Last updated: 8/29/2024, 3:00:41 PM