# GoTo Webinar - Get attendees from session action (batch)

The Get attendees from session action retrieves attendees from a session using a session ID.

# Input

Input field Description
Webinar key Enter the webinar's unique ID located at the end of the webinar URL. Alternatively, you can map in the Webinar key from the output of the GotoWebinar New webinar session trigger.
Session key Enter the key of the webinar session. You can map in the session key from the output of the GotoWebinar New webinar session trigger.

# Output

Output field Description
Attendees A list of session attendees.
First name The attendee's first name.
Last name The attendee's last name.
Email The attendee's email address.
Registrant key The key of the webinar attendee.
Session key The unique key of the webinar session.
Attendance time in seconds The total attendance time in seconds.
Attendance The list of times the attendee joined and left the webinar session.
Join time The time the attendee joined a webinar session.
Leave time The time the attendee left a webinar session.

Last updated: 2/19/2025, 7:46:16 PM

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