# Hive - List records action (batch)

The List records batch action retrieves a list of records for a selected object, such as actions or projects, in Hive.

# Input

Input field Description
Object Select a Hive object, such as Project or Action.
Page size Enter the maximum number of records to return. This field appears when you select Action, Label, or Resource Assignment.
Next page token Enter a token to retrieve the next page of results. This field appears when you select Action or Resource Assignment.
Next page token Enter a token to retrieve the next page of results. This field appears when you select Action or Resource Assignment.

# Output

The output fields depend on the object you select in the input. Each object returns a unique set of fields based on its type. Common fields may include the following:

Output field Description
ID Unique identifier of the record.
Name Name of the record, if applicable.
Created at Timestamp indicating when the record was created.
Created by ID of the user who created the record.
Modified at Timestamp indicating when the record was last updated.
Modified by ID of the user who last modified the record.
List size Total number of records retrieved in the batch.
List index Position of the record within the retrieved batch.

Last updated: 2/26/2025, 9:11:27 PM

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