# Create event action

This action creates a new event in your Insightly instance.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Title The title of the event.
Location The location of the event.
Details The details of the event.
Start date The start date and time of the event in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
End date The end date and time of the event in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
All day Whether the event is all day.
Publicly visible Whether the event is publicly visible.
Reminder date The reminder date and time of the event in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Reminder sent Whether the reminder is sent.
Event links The event links of the event.
Event links source list The source list from which the event links are derived. This field accepts a list datapill as input.
Contact ID The contact ID associated with the event.
Organization ID The organization ID associated with the event.
Project ID The project ID associated with the event.
Lead ID The lead ID associated with the event.
Opportunity ID The opportunity ID associated with the event.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a datatree that contains information about the event (opens new window).

Last updated: 6/25/2024, 10:57:45 PM