# Update contact action

This action updates a contact in your Insightly instance.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Contact ID The ID of the contact to be updated.
First name The first name of the contact.
Last name The last name of the contact.
Salutation The salutation of the contact.
Organization The organization of the contact.
Role The role of the contact.
Tags The tags of the contact.
Tags source list The source list from which the contact tags are derived. This field accepts a list datapill as input.
Tag name The name of the tag assigned to the contact.
Background Background information or notes about the contact.
Visible to Specifies who can see this contact (for example everyone, owner, or individuals)
Visible user IDs The IDs of users who can see this contact.
Work email The work email address of the contact.
Personal email The personal email address of the contact.
Other email Any other email addresses associated with the contact.
Work phone The work phone number of the contact.
Mobile The mobile phone number of the contact.
Home phone The home phone number of the contact.
Website The website associated with the contact.
Addresses The addresses of the contact.
Addresses source list The source list from which the addresses of the contact are derived. This field accepts a list datapill as input.
Address type The type of address (for example, work, home, postal, or other).
Street The street part of the contact's address.
City The city part of the contact's address.
State The state part of the contact's address.
Post code The postal code part of the contact's address.
Country The country part of the contact's address.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a datatree that contains information about the updated contact (opens new window).

Last updated: 6/25/2024, 10:57:45 PM