# JDBC - Delete actions

# Delete rows

This action lets you delete rows based on certain criteria defined by a WHERE condition.

This action should be tested and used with care, as it will PERMANENTLY delete rows in your table.

Delete action Delete rows action

# Table

First, select a table to delete rows from. This can be done either by selecting a table from the pick list, or toggling the input to text mode and typing the full table name. Case sensitivity of table name depends on the database you are connected to.

# WHERE condition

Next, provide a WHERE condition to select rows to be deleted. This condition can be as simple as filtering a single record to delete based on ID.

id = 5

Alternatively, it can be used to delete multiple rows.

status = 'closed'

Complex WHERE conditions with subqueries can also be used. Refer to the WHERE condition guide for more information.

Last updated: 12/26/2019, 5:23:45 PM