# JWT - Decode JWT action
This action decodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) and validates its iat
(Issued At), exp
(Expiration Time), and nbf
(Not Before) claims, if they are present. It raises an exception if the token is invalid.
JWT - Decode JWT action
# Input
JSON web token
The decoded JWT string.
Exp leeway
The leeway time in seconds before the JWT expires.
# Output
The data extracted from the JWT after decoding.
The principal subject of the JWT.
Issued at (iat)
The timestamp of when the JWT was issued.
Expiration time (exp)
The timestamp for when the JWT is set to expire.
Not before time (nbf)
The timestamp indicating when the JWT becomes valid.
Issuer (iss)
The issuer of the JWT.
Audience (aud)
The recipients of the JWT.
JWT ID (jti)
The unique identifier for the JWT.
The information about the permissions the JWT carries.
The part of the JWT that is decoded.
Key ID (kid)
The key identifier used to secure the JWT.
The cryptographic algorithm used to secure the JWT.
Last updated: 12/22/2023, 6:02:55 PM