# Apache Kafka - Publish message action

# Publish message

This action publishes a new message to the selected Kafka topic. You can select the schema in AVRO format for the Kafka message body and message key.

Publish message action Publish message action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Topic Select a topic to which you want to publish a new message. Once a topic is loaded you can fill its fields with your data.
Message schema source Define your message schema source. When the Common data model is selected you will use the schema defined in Workato. By selecting the Schema registry (on-prem) option you can use the schema that is defined in your Kafka cluster. This option requires the schema.registry.url property to be configured. Workato supports schemas in AVRO format.
Message schema Select the message schema format based on the Message schema source input.
Key schema type Similarly to the Message schema source, you can configure schema type for your message Keys. The Defined in schema registry (on-prem) option also requires schema.registry.url property to be configured. Workato supports schemas in AVRO format.

# Output fields

The output contains useful information after a successful action. To use the output in downstream steps, map in the relevant datapill.

Publish message output fields Publish message output fields

Field name Description
Size Size of the inserted message.
Timestamp Timestamp of the inserted message.
Partition ID of the partition topic where the message was added.
Offset Message offset which is a unique message identifier in Kafka.

Last updated: 6/16/2023, 7:22:07 AM