# LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site built for professional networking and businesses. LinkedIn allows business professionals to keep up to date in their professional circles. Marketers also use LinkedIn to run a variety of different ads to garner new leads and build awareness about the B2B products that they sell.

With the LinkedIn connector on Workato, you'll be able to automate your entire marketing processes so that campaign performance and leads flow seamlessly from LinkedIn campaign manager to your marketing automation platform or CRM so you can get the most value out of your marketing spend.

# API Version

The LinkedIn connector uses the 202401 Version (opens new window) of the LinkedIn REST API.

# How to connect to LinkedIn on Workato

The LinkedIn connector uses OAuth 2.0 to connect to LinkedIn. To fully utilize all triggers and actions on the LinkedIn connector, you will need to be an admin in both your Company's LinkedIn page, as well as an account manager in your LinkedIn Advertising account. Follow the steps below to verify this.

# 1. Becoming an admin in your LinkedIn company page

All advertising accounts are tied to a specific business in LinkedIn. Because of this, you will need to first have a LinkedIn Company page which allows LinkedIn to know where to send people who interact with the ads you run on the platform. This should already have been done when you first started running ads through campaign manager.

Before you create your connection on Workato, ensure that you have been added as an Admin to your LinkedIn company page. Only Admins to this Company page can make you an Admin as well. You can verify that you are an admin by heading to your LinkedIn company page, where you should be able to see a "Super admin view" like the screenshot below.

LinkedIn Super Admin View

If this is not the case, contact the admins of your LinkedIn company page to make you an Admin.

# 2. Becoming an account manager in your LinkedIn advertising account

Advertising accounts are the containers for your campaign groups, campaigns, creatives, and lead generation forms in LinkedIn. They also handle contain the billing information for all campaigns within it. You will need to be an account manager for each of the advertising accounts that you want to build Workato recipes for.

To become an advertising manager in Workato, you will need to get an existing manager in your advertising account to make you an admin. This can be done from campaign manager in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn ad account access view Click edit and you can add managers to this advertising account

# 3. Authenticate on Workato

After you've ensure that you're an admin for your company page and advertising account, you are now ready to create a connection on Workato.

Configuring LinkedIn connection

Field Description
Connection name Give this LinkedIn connection a unique name that identifies which user has authenticated.

# Connection expiry

LinkedIn's API only allows us to keep a valid connection for a total of 365 days from the time of the first connection. This ensures that your connections are kept secure in the long term. After 365 days, you will need manually reauthenticate once more for this connection to be valid for another year.

Refer to [LinkedIn's documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/shared/authentication/programmatic-refresh-tokens?context=linkedin/marketing/context (opens new window) for more information.

Last updated: 4/8/2024, 2:31:02 AM