# LinkedIn Action - Search lead gen form responses

Use this action to search for all lead gen form responses.

Search lead gen form response Search lead gen form responses by campaign, form, and creative

# Input fields

Input field Description
Advertising account The advertising account where the form is coming from. You can't map a datapill to this field.
Form The form to which this lead gen response belongs. This is required for Workato to identify the custom questions within this lead gen form.
Pull reports within a specified time range Specify the date range for the reports you plan to retrieve. The start date must be a maximum of 90 days in the past.
Offset Used for pagination.
Limit Limit the number of leads this action can pull.
Campaign Limit responses to a specific campaign.
Creative Limit responses to a specific creative.

# Output fields

The output of this action contains all information relevant to leads based on your search filters.

Last updated: 4/8/2024, 2:31:02 AM