# Campaign created trigger

This trigger runs when a new campaign is created in MailChimp.

Campaign created triggerCampaign created trigger

# Input

No additional input is required for this trigger.

# Output

Output field Description
Campaign ID The ID of the campaign created.
Web ID The web ID of the campaign created.
Type The campaign type, for example: regular.
Create time The time the campaign was created. For example: 2023-12-21T10:17:19.000000-06:00.
Archive URL The URL where the campaign was automatically archived. For example: http://eepurl.com/iGJzFw.
Long archive URL The full URL where the campaign was automatically archived. This URL includes the campaign ID and web ID, for example: https://us13.campaign-archive.com/?u=f01ce6bb5ed8b8f35b8bd9297&id=b5cd5d99bf.
Status The status of the campaign, for example: save.
Title The title of the campaign, for example: Test campaign.
Use conversation Indicates if conversation was set for the campaign or not. This value is true or false.
To name The name the campaign was sent to.
Folder ID The ID of the folder the campaign was created in. This value is blank if the campaign is not stored in a folder.
Authenticate Indicates if the campaign was set to authenticate or not. This value is true or false.
Auto footer Indicates if an auto footer was used or not. This value is true or false.
Inline CSS Indicates if inline CSS was used in the campaign or not. This value is true or false.
Auto tweet Indicates if the campaign was set to automatically tweet or not. This value is true or false.
FB comments Indicates if the campaign has Facebook comments enabled or not. This value is true or false.
Timewarp Indicates if the campaign uses timewarp or not. This value is true or false.
Template ID The ID of the template used to create the campaign.
Drag and drop Indicates if drag and drop elements were used to create the campaign. This value is true or false.
Tracking Indicates which tracking abilities are included in the campaign.
Delivery status Indicates if the campaign's delivery status is enabled or not.
List ID The ID of the list used in the campaign. This value is blank if no list was used.
List is active Indicates if the list used in the campaign is active or not. This value is true or false.
List name The name of the list used in the campaign. This value is blank if no list was used.
Segment text The segment text of the list used in the campaign. This value is blank if no list was used.
Recipient count The recipient count of the list used in the campaign. This value is blank if no list was used.
Subject The subject of the campaign. This value is null if no subject was set.
Summary The summary of the campaign. This value is null if no summary was used.

Last updated: 1/10/2024, 8:49:34 PM

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