# Activate smart campaign action

This action activates a smart campaign in Marketo.

# Input fields

Field Description
Smart campaign ID / Select campaign Enter the smart campaign's unique identifier or select the smart campaign. The smart campaign ID is the first contiguous set of numbers after the SC in the URL. For example, if the URL ends with SC1900A1, the smart campaign ID is 1900.

# Output fields

Field Description
Success Indicates whether the activation of the smart campaign was successful.
Request ID A unique identifier for the request.
Errors An array of error objects, if any, that were encountered during the activation process.
Code (errors) An error code corresponding to the encountered issue.
Message (errors) A message describing the cause of the error.
Warnings An array of warnings (strings), if any, that were encountered during the activation process.
Result An array containing the ID of the smart campaign.
ID (result) The unique identifier of the smart campaign that was activated.

Refer to the Marketo documentation (opens new window) to learn more about this action.

Last updated: 10/2/2024, 3:53:41 PM