# Upsert object action

This action creates or updates an object in Marketo.

# Input fields

Field Description
Object The type of object to upsert.

Refer to the relevant sections to learn how to configure the input fields for the object you plan to upsert:

# Lead input fields

Field Description
Lookup field (dedup) This field is used to identify unique records. Options include Cookies, Email address, Marketo Social Twitter ID, Marketo Social Facebook ID, Marketo Social LinkedIn ID, SFDC Account ID, SFDC Contact ID, SFDC Lead ID, and SFDC Lead Owner ID.
Lead fields Expand to configure the fields associated with the lead for the upsert action.

Refer to the Marketo documentation for a list of standard fields (opens new window) available through the API. This list includes common fields but may not cover all input fields specific to this action.

# Opportunity input fields

Field Description
Opportunity fields Expand to configure the fields associated with the opportunity for the upsert action.
External opportunity ID Provide the unique ID for the opportunity in an external system.
External opportunity campaign ID Enter the campaign ID associated with the opportunity from an external source.
Amount Fill in the total amount for the opportunity.
Close date Enter the date when the opportunity is expected to close.
Description Provide a brief description of the opportunity.
Expected revenue Fill in the estimated revenue expected from the opportunity.
External company ID Enter the external ID for the company associated with this opportunity.
External created date Provide the date when the opportunity was created in an external system.
External sales person ID Enter the ID of the salesperson from an external system.
Fiscal Specify the fiscal period for this opportunity.
Fiscal quarter Provide the fiscal quarter when this opportunity falls.
Fiscal year Enter the fiscal year for the opportunity.
Forecast category Specify the forecast category for this opportunity.
Forecast category name Enter the name of the forecast category for the opportunity.
Is closed Indicate whether the opportunity is closed.
Is won Indicate whether the opportunity has been won.
Last activity date Provide the date of the last activity related to this opportunity.
Lead source Enter the source from which the lead originated.
Name Fill in the name of the opportunity.
Next step Provide details about the next step for this opportunity.
Probability Enter the probability of winning this opportunity (as a percentage).
Quantity Specify the quantity of items or services in the opportunity.
Stage Provide the current stage of the opportunity.
Type Enter the type or classification of the opportunity.

# Opportunity role input fields

Field Description
Opportunity role fields Expand to configure the fields associated with the opportunity role for the upsert action.
External opportunity ID The unique identifier for the opportunity from an external system.
Lead ID The unique identifier for the lead associated with the opportunity role.
Role The role of the lead in the opportunity.
External contact ID The unique identifier for the contact from an external system.
External ID A general external identifier for the opportunity role, if applicable.
External created date The date when the opportunity role was created in the external system.
Is primary Indicates whether this role is the primary role for the opportunity.

# Custom object input fields

Field Description
Custom object / Custom object name Select a custom object name from the list, or enter a custom object name with the suffix _c.
Custom object fields Expand to configure the fields associated with the custom object for the upsert action.

# Output fields

The output fields vary depending on the object you select for the action.

# Lead output fields

Field Description
Marketo GUID The unique identifier assigned to the lead in Marketo.

# Opportunity output fields

Field Description
Marketo GUID The unique identifier assigned to the opportunity in Marketo.

# Opportunity role output fields

Field Description
Marketo GUID The unique identifier assigned to the opportunity role in Marketo.

# Custom object output fields

Field Description
Marketo GUID The unique identifier assigned to the custom object in Marketo.

Last updated: 10/2/2024, 3:53:41 PM