# Update user action

This action updates an existing user. The user is identified by the user ID.

Update user action Update user action

# Input fields

The input configuration contains the full set of user properties. Learn more about the Okta's user properties here (opens new window).

Below are the commonly used user properties.

Input field Description
User ID The unique ID of the target user.
Profile First name First name for the user.
Last name Last name for the user.
Primary email ID Primary email address of the user.
Username A unique identifier for the user. This must be an email.
Title Title of the user.
Employee number An organization assigned identifier for the user.
Manager ID The Okta ID of the user's manager.
Manager The display name of the user's manager

# Output fields

The output datatree contains information about the user like the ID and status.

Field Description
ID The unique ID for the user.
Status The current status of the user.
Created time The timestamp when the user was created.
Activated time The timestamp when the user's status was updated to Active.
Status changed time The timestamp when the status was last changed.
Last login time The timestamp when the user was last logged in.
Last updated time The timestamp when the user was last updated.
Password changed time The timestamp when the password was last changed.
Profile This object contains information about the user's profile, including first and last name, email, organization, and title. Learn more about Okta user profiles here (opens new window).
Credentials This object specifies the primary authentication and recovery credentials for the user. It includes the recovery question and credentials provider.
Links This object contains a collection of link relations for the user. It includes lifecycle operations and credentials operations. Learn more about Okta user link objects here (opens new window).

Last updated: 6/4/2020, 5:07:20 PM