# Open API - New/updated record trigger

The New/updated record runs when a record of the selected object is created or updated. The list of objects is dynamically generated based on the API endpoints found in the OpenAPI document (opens new window).

New/updated record triggerNew/updated record trigger

# Input

Input fields Description
Trigger poll interval Select how frequently to check for new events.
Object Select an object from the drop-down list of linked objects.
Timestamp record field Determine the latest timestamp for filtering when retrieving the next batch of new events.
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from When you start recipe for the first time, it picks up trigger events from this specified date and time. Leave empty to get events created one hour ago.
Filter Provide configuration and filter criteria for checking for new or updated records.
Record list field Records in this field are available in the output of this trigger. Defaults to Results.
Identifier record hold Use this field to uniquely identify individual records. This is required for deduplication to ensure each unique record is processed only once. Defaults to Id.
Set trigger condition Define further guidelines added to a specific trigger to filter the type of trigger events selected for processing.

# Output

The output fields are determined by the object selected in the input. Map the relevant datapill from the data tree to subsequent steps.

Last updated: 1/27/2025, 1:45:51 AM

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