# Oracle Fusion Cloud - Triggers

# New record trigger

New record trigger allows users to detect when a new record is created in Oracle Fusion Cloud. Setup the trigger by choosing the specific object that needs to monitored for any new records. (Example, new invoices, or new products, etc.).

The trigger allows users to set the polling frequency, which determines how frequently the trigger needs to check for new records, and time machine setup, which allows to fetch all records from a specific time, say from previous week, or from beginning of the month.

Additionally, by using the "Expand" field, the depth of the payload received can be set. The "Expand" field allows users to choose the depth of related child and grandchild objects to retrieve. By default, the response will include the record and its child objects, but not the grandchild objects. To enable specific grandchild objects, use the "Expand" input and select the specific objects. For example, under the "Receivable credit memo" object, the user can choose to include "attachments" (grandchild object) of each "credit memo lines" (child object).

By using trigger conditions, users can perform entry check on certain fields in the payload and allow the job to execute only when those entry checks are verified. For example, only process those Invoice records where due date is after a specified date.

Fully built new record trigger Example new record trigger

# New record trigger (Batch)

New record trigger (Batch) is similar to New record trigger, except it allows to bunch up a group of records in a single batch and execute them in a single job. Here batch size can be set additionally to define the number of records to consider per batch.

For example, in the below image we set batch size to 10, which means up to 10 records of receivable invoices will be fetched at a specific frequency.

Fully built new record batch trigger Example new record (batch) trigger

# New/updated record trigger

New/updates record trigger allows users to fetch both new and updated records from Oracle fusion cloud. It works the same as the new record trigger, and has the same inputs such as setting the trigger poll interval, time machine setup, Expand and trigger conditions.

Fully built new/updated record trigger Example new/updated record trigger

# New/updated record trigger (batch)

Allows users to fetch a batch of new/updated records and process them in a single job. Input options are same as new record (batch) trigger.

Fully built new/updated record batch trigger Example new/updated record (batch) trigger

Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM