# Orderful - List transactions from polling bucket action

The List transactions from polling bucket action enables you to retrieve transactions from the specified polling bucket.

Orderful - List transactions from polling bucket actionOrderful - List transactions from polling bucket action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Bucket ID Specify the bucket ID to retrieve transactions from.
Limit Specify the maximum number of transactions to retrieve. The default is 30.
Message schema builder Specify unknown fields not included in the action output.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Transactions A list containing detailed information about each transaction.
Transaction ID The ID of the transaction.
URL The URL for the transaction.
Sender Interchange control header (ISA) ID The ISA ID of the sender.
Sender Interchange control header (ISA) ID qualifier The ISA ID qualifier of the sender.
Sender Test Interchange control header (ISA) ID The test ISA ID of the sender.
Sender Test Interchange control header (ISA) ID qualifier The test ISA ID qualifier of the sender.
Sender name The name of the sender.
Receiver Interchange control header (ISA) ID The ISA ID of the receiver.
Receiver Interchange control header (ISA) ID qualifier The ISA ID qualifier of the receiver.
Receiver Test Interchange control header (ISA) ID The test ISA ID of the receiver.
Receiver Test Interchange control header (ISA) ID qualifier The test ISA ID qualifier of the receiver.
Receiver name The name of the receiver.
Type name The name of the transaction type.
Links attachments The attachments of the transaction.
Stream The source of the transaction. For example, TEST.
Creator party The party that created the transaction.
Status The status of the transaction.
Status reason The reason for the current status of the transaction.
Business number The business number of the transaction.
Message size in bytes The message size of the transaction in bytes.
Latest revision at The latest datetime when the transaction was revised.
Reference identifiers Additional identifiers for the transaction.
Message URL The URL for the transaction message.
Validation status The validation status of the transaction. For example, VALID.
Delivery status The delivery status of the transaction. For example, SENT.
Acknowledgment status The acknowledgment status of the transaction. For example, ACKNOWLEDGED.
Acknowledgment URL The URL for the transaction acknowledgment.
Delivery ID The ID of the transaction delivery.
Delivery URL The URL for the transaction delivery.
Delivery approve URL The URL for the approved transaction delivery.
Delivery fail URL The URL for the failed transaction delivery.
Created at The datetime value when the transaction was created.
Last updated at The datetime value when the transaction was last updated.
List size The total number of items in the list.
List index The position of an item in the list.

Last updated: 6/20/2024, 4:43:53 AM