# Get calendar event by ID action

This action retrieves an event in a specific calendar in Outlook Calendar using the event ID.

# Input fields

Field Description
Shared calendar Provide the email address of the user who owns the shared calendar, so Workato can fetch the shared calendars. For example, [email protected]. If left blank, Workato shows your default calendars.
Calendar Select the calendar to search in.
Event ID The ID of the event to retrieve.

# Output fields

Field Description
ID The unique ID of the event.
Change key The change key of the event.
Created date time The timestamp when the event was created.
Last modified date time The timestamp when the event was last modified.
Response status The response status of the event.
Has attachments Indicates whether the event has attachments.
Subject The subject of the event.
Body The body content of the event.
Body preview The preview of the body content.
Importance The importance of the event.
Sensitivity The sensitivity of the event.
Series master ID The series master ID of the event.
Show as The status to show for the event.
Online meeting URL The URL for the online meeting.
Is online meeting Indicates whether the event is an online meeting.
Online meeting provider The provider for the online meeting.
Online meeting The online meeting details.
Allow new time proposals Indicates whether new time proposals are allowed.
Occurrence ID The occurrence ID of the event.
Is draft Indicates whether the event is a draft.
Hide attendees Indicates whether attendees are hidden.
Start The start time of the event. This object includes the start time and time zone of the event.
End The end time of the event. This object includes the end time and time zone of the event.
Is all day Indicates whether the event is an all day event.
Is cancelled Indicates whether the event is cancelled.
Is organizer Indicates whether the user is the organizer of the event.
Is reminder on Indicates whether a reminder is set for the event.
Response requested Indicates whether a response is requested for the event.
Type The type of the event.
Original start time zone The original start time zone of the event.
Original end time zone The original end time zone of the event.
Reminder minutes before start The number of minutes before the event start time when the reminder alert occurs.
Attendees The attendees of the event. This object includes the attendee names, email addresses, status (response and time of response), and types of attendees.
Location The location of the event. This object includes the name of the location, location type, address, and unique ID and unique ID type of the location.
Locations The locations of the event. This object includes the display names of attendees, the location URI, location type, address, coordinates, and unique ID and unique ID type of the location.
Recurrence If this is a recurring meeting, this object contains the meeting pattern and the range of occurrences.
Organizer This object includes the name and email address of the event organizer.
Web link The web link to the event.
Transaction ID The transaction ID of the event.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 4:00:51 AM