# Search calendar events action (batch)

This action searches for events in a specific calendar in Outlook Calendar.

# Input fields

Field Description
Shared calendar Provide the email address of the user who owns the shared calendar, so Workato can fetch the shared calendars. For example, [email protected]. If left blank, Workato shows your default calendars.
Calendar Select the calendar to search in.
Start date Fetch events that start on this date.
End date Fetch events that end on this date.
Subject Exact name of the event. Value is case-insensitive.
Importance Fetch events with this level of importance.
Is all day If true, only all-day events will be fetched.
Limit Maximum number of rows to return. Limit is 1000 and default is 200.
Offset Number of rows to skip, for example, 100.

# Output fields

Field Description
Events A list of events matching the search criteria.

Last updated: 7/10/2024, 4:00:51 AM