# PlanGrid object triggers

PlanGrid triggers poll your PlanGrid projects at set intervals and trigger recipes based on new or updated objects in PlanGrid. This trigger polls PlanGrid at set intervals for recently created or updated objects since the previous poll. When Workato finds a newly created or updated object, it will check whether it fulfills the trigger condition (if any) and execute a new job for each object it finds.

Trigger conditions

Trigger conditions are like filters in Workato. Turning on trigger conditions in Workato means you can selectively choose which events you want to trigger workflows. Conditions can be set on object attributes like status. For example, you may only want field reports that have been submitted to trigger a workflow and ignore archived or draft field reports.

Input fields for object triggers

Triggers are easy to set up on Workato and in most instances the only required input is the PlanGrid project. When you first start the recipe, you can also set the last time you want Workato to pull from, allowing you to pull events retrospectively.

Output fields for object triggers Each new or new/updated object triggers a separate run. You can then use the output datapills in a subsequent step in your recipe.

# Objects Supported

# Project

Triggers when a new or updated project is detected in PlanGrid. Trigger will pick up the projects created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Project.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Project ID ID of the project.
Project Name Name of the project in PlanGrid
Project Code Custom code assigned to the project in PlanGrid (if any).
Organization ID The ID of the organization to which the project belongs in PlanGrid (if any).
Project Type Project type with possible values of: general, manufacturing, power, water-sewer-waste, industrial-petroleum, transportation, hazardous-waste, telecom, education-k-12, education-higher, gov-federal, gov-state-local, or other.
Project Status The current status of the project as set in PlanGrid.
Project Owner The owner of the project as specified in PlanGrid.
Project Start Date Project start date as set in PlanGrid.
Project End Date Project end date as set in PlanGrid.
Street line 1 Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Street line 2 Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Town or city Address information as set in PlanGrid.
State, province, or region Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Zip or postal code Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Country Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Latitude Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Longitude Address information as set in PlanGrid.
Updated at Timestamp of when the project was last updated in PlanGrid.

# Annotation

Triggers when a new or updated annotation is added to a sheet in a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the annotations created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Annotation.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated annotations. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Annotation ID ID of the annotation.
Project ID ID of the project containing the file.
Color The color assigned to the annotation in PlanGrid.
Stamp The stamp assigned to the annotation in PlanGrid (if any).
Visibility The visibility level of the annotation. Can be either “user” or “master”. User indicates a workspace member (or former workspace member) has not published the annotation to the project. Never blank.
Deleted Indicates whether this annotation has been deleted.
Sheet UID ID of the sheet the annotation is located on.
URL The URL to access the sheet in PlanGrid that the annotation is located on.

# Document

Triggers when a new or updated document is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the documents created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Document.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated documents. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Document ID ID of the document.
Project ID ID of the project.
Document Name Name of the document in PlanGrid.
Folder The folder path within PlanGrid documents where the file was contained.
URL URL to download the file.
Created at Timestamp of when the file was created in PlanGrid.
Created by UID ID of the user that created the file.
URL URL to the user’s profile in PlanGrid
Email Email address of the user that created the file.
Deleted Indicates whether the file has been deleted.
Updated at Timestamp of when the file was last updated in PlanGrid.

# Field report

Triggers when a new or updated field report is created in a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the field reports created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Field report.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated field reports. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Field Report ID ID of the field report.
Project ID ID of the project.
Title Title of the field report in PlanGrid.
Description Description of the field report in PlanGrid.
URL The URL to access the field report in PlanGrid.
Report Date Timestamp of when the report was created in PlanGrid.
Status Status of the field report, and the values can be: draft, submitted, archived, or deleted.
Field report type Name Name of the field report template.
Status Status of the field report template, can be active or archived.
UID ID of the field report template.
PDF URL The URL to access the PDF version of the field report (exists only if the report was originally a PDF in PlanGrid; not available for the native daily report).
PDF Form Values: Name Name of the PDF form field.
Value Value corresponding to the form field name.
List size The number of form field values available from the field report.
Daily Report values Work log entries: Trade The trade that performed the work.
Timespan The total number of works for the work log entry in milliseconds.
Headcount The number of workers for the work log entry.
Description A description of the work performed.
Deleted Whether the work log entry has been deleted or not.
List size The number of entries in the “Work log entries” list.
Material entries Unit The unit of measure for the quantity specified.
Quantity The quantity of material that was used.
Item A specific description of the material item used.
Description A description of the material used (may be blank if “item” above contains all details).
Deleted Whether the material entry has been deleted or not.
List size The number of entries in the “Material entries” list.
Equipment entries: Timespan The total time all equipment was used for in milliseconds.
Quantity The number of pieces of the equipment that was used.
Item A specific description of the equipment item used.
Description A description of the equipment utilized (may be blank if “item” above contains all details).
Deleted Whether the equipment entry has been deleted or not.
List size The number of entries in the “Equipment entries” list.
List size The number of entries in the “Daily Report Values” list.
Documents Total count The total number of documents associated with the field report.
URL The URL to access the documents associated with the field report in PlanGrid.
Photos Total count The total number of photos associated with the field report.
URL The URL to access the photos associated with the field report in PlanGrid.
Snapshots Total count The total number of snapshots associated with the field report.
URL The URL to access the snapshots associated with the field report in PlanGrid.
Created by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Updated at Timestamp of when the report was last updated in PlanGrid.
Weather Humidity A percentage value indicating the humidity over the course of the day.
Precipitation accumulation The amount of precipitation accumulated throughout the day. Unit specified in “precipitation_accumulation_unit”.
Precipitation accumulation unit The unit of the precipitation accumulated.
Speed unit The unit of the wind speed measurement.
Summary key A description of the weather (for example, Partly Cloudy).
Temperature max The maximum temperature during the day.
Temperature min The minimum temperature during the day.
Temperature unit The unit of the temperature measurements.
Wind bearing The direction of the wind.
Wind gust The maximum wind speed observed throughout the day.
Wind speed The average wind speed observed throughout the day.

# Photo

Triggers when a new or updated photo is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the photos created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Photo.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated photos. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Photo ID ID of the photo.
Project ID ID of the project.
Title Title of the photo in PlanGrid.
URL URL to download the photo from PlanGrid.
Created at Timestamp of when the file was created in PlanGrid.
Created by UID ID of the user that created the file.
URL URL to the user’s profile in PlanGrid
Email Email address of the user that created the file.
Deleted Indicates whether the file has been deleted.


Triggers when a new or updated RFI is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the RFIs created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to RFI.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated RFIs. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
RFI ID ID of the RFI.
Project ID of the project.
RFI Number Number of the RFI within the project.
Status UID ID of the current status of the RFI.
Label Label of the current status of the RFI (for example, draft, answered, etc.)
Color Color code of the RFI in PlanGrid.
Locked Indicates whether the RFI is locked or still editable.
Title The title of the RFI in PlanGrid.
Question The question asked in the RFI in PlanGrid.
Answer The answer given for the RFI in PlanGrid.
Sent at Timestamp of when the RFI was sent to the Reviewer in PlanGrid.
Due at Timestamp of when the RFI is due in PlanGrid.
Assigned to UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
List size The number of users in this list that this RFI is assigned to.
Updated at Timestamp of when the RFI was last updated in PlanGrid.
Updated by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Created at Timestamp of when the RFI was created in PlanGrid.
Created by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Photos Total count The total number of photos associated with the RFI.
URL The URL to access the photos associated with the RFI in PlanGrid.
Attachments Total count The total number of attachments associated with the RFI.
URL The URL to access the attachments associated with the RFI in PlanGrid.
Snapshots Total count The total number of snapshots associated with the RFI.
URL The URL to access the snapshots associated with the RFI in PlanGrid.
Comments Total count The total number of comments associated with the RFI.
URL The URL to access the comments associated with the RFI in PlanGrid.

# Sheet

Triggers when a new or updated sheet is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the sheets created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Sheet.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated sheets. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Sheet ID Unique identifier (UID) of the sheet, never blank.
Project ID ID of the project containing the sheet.
Name Name of the sheet in PlanGrid.
Version Name Name of the version set to which the sheet belongs in PlanGrid.
Description Description of the sheet.
Tags A list of any tags associated with the sheet in PlanGrid.
Published by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Published at Timestamp of when the sheet was published in PlanGrid.
Deleted Indicates whether this sheet has been deleted in PlanGrid.
Uploaded file name Name of the uploaded file this sheet was contained in. Never blank.

# Snapshot

Triggers when a new or updated snapshot is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the snapshots created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Snapshot.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated snapshots. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Snapshot ID Unique identifier (UID) of the file, never blank.
Project ID ID of the project containing the file.
Title The name of the snapshot in PlanGrid.
URL The URL to access the snapshot in PlanGrid.
Created at Timestamp of when the snapshot was created in PlanGrid.
Created by Reference to the user that created the snapshot in PlanGrid.
UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Sheet Object containing information about the sheet from which this snapshot was taken.
UID ID of the sheet.
URL URL to access the sheet in PlanGrid.
Deleted Indicates whether this snapshot has been deleted in PlanGrid.

# Task

Triggers when a new or updated task is added to a PlanGrid project. Trigger will pick up the tasks created/updated from the time the recipe has started.

# Input fields

Field name Description
Object type Must be set to Task.
Project Project to monitor for new or updated tasks. Select from the drop-down list or input a project ID.

# Output fields

Field name Description
Task ID Unique identifier (UID) of the task, never blank.
Project ID ID of the project containing the task.
Number The task number (specific to this project) as specific in PlanGrid.
Title The title of the task.
Status Current status of task. Possible values are "open", "in_review", "pending", "closed".
Type Indicates the type of task. Possible values are: issue, planned_work, other.
Assignees UID ID of the user.
Type Type of user assigned
List size Number of users assigned
Watchers UID ID of the user.
Type Type of user assigned
List size Number of users assigned
Location Location of the task as specific in PlanGrid.
Start date Timestamp of when the task is set to start in PlanGrid.
Due at Timestamp of when the task is due in PlanGrid.
Closed at Timestamp of when the task was closed in PlanGrid. Available only once the task has been closed.
Stamp The task stamp selected in PlanGrid.
Task List Task list ID ID of the task list.
URL URL to access the task list in PlanGrid.
Description Description of the task.
Cost impact Number indicating the cost impact to the project as a result of this task.
Has cost impact Indicates whether the task has a cost impact.
Currency code Currency of the cost impact.
Schedule impact Time in seconds by which this task is impacting the project schedule.
Has schedule impact Indicates whether the task has a schedule impact.
Current annotation UID ID of the annotation in PlanGrid
Color The color assigned to the annotation in PlanGrid.
Stamp The stamp assigned to the annotation in PlanGrid (if any)
Visibility The visibility level of the annotation. Can be either “user” or “master”. User indicates a workspace member (or former workspace member) has not published the annotation to the project. Never blank
Deleted Indicates whether the annotation has been deleted in PlanGrid.
Sheet UID ID of the sheet.
URL URL to access the sheet in PlanGrid.
Comments Total count Total number of comments on the task.
URL URL to access the comments on the task in PlanGrid.
Photos Total count Total number of photos associated with the task.
URL URL to access the photos on the task in PlanGrid.
Deleted Indicates whether this task has been deleted in PlanGrid.
Created at Timestamp of when the task was created PlanGrid.
Created by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.
Updated at Timestamp of when the task was last updated in PlanGrid.
Updated by UID ID of the user.
URL URL to access the user’s profile in PlanGrid.
Email Email of the user in PlanGrid.

Last updated: 12/20/2024, 6:06:00 PM