# Scheduled record search using query trigger (batch)

This trigger executes a Quickbase query on a specified schedule. Records meeting the query are returned in lists of records for each trigger event.

# Input fields

Field Description
Application Select an application in your Quickbase account.
Application token Required if this application is configured to require tokens for data access. You can obtain this value from the application in Settings > App properties > Manage application token.
Table Select the table to query.
Schedule Specify the schedule for the query. You can choose between an hourly, daily, or monthly occurence.
Time zone Select a timezone from the list.
Hour Specify the hour you plan the query to occur. Hours are listed in 24-hour format. For example, 11 for 11am, 23 for 11pm. Defaults to 00 (12am) if left empty.
Minute Minutes past the hour. For example, 00 for 0 minutes.
Day of month Specify the day of the month you plan the query to occur. Numbers 1 - 31 are rounded down to the last day of month for shorter months. Defaults to first day of the month if left empty.
Sunday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Sunday.
Monday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Monday.
Tuesday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Tuesday.
Wednesday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Wednesday.
Thursday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Thursday.
Friday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Friday.
Saturday Select Yes from the drop-down if you plan for the query to run on Saturday.
Query Use a Quickbase query to fetch only records that match your query. Query syntax is {'fid'.operator.'matching_value'}. For example, {'7'.EX.'Test'}.
Batch size Enter the number of records you plan for this action to return. The minimum is 1 and maximum is 1000.

# Output fields

The output datatree contains information about the records returned by the query. This includes the range of record IDs, the records themselves, and the scheduled time.

Field Description
Range The range of record IDs retrieved from the search.
First record ID The ID of the first record in the batch.
Last record ID The ID of the last record in the batch.
Records This contains a list of records. Each record contains information about the fields of the record.
Scheduled time The time the search was executed.
Total number of records The number of records retrieved in this search.
First batch Whether this is the first batch of records.
Last batch Whether this is the last batch of records.
Starting offset The offset number for the first record of this batch.
Ending offset The offset number for the last record of this batch.

Last updated: 7/8/2024, 5:46:41 PM