# RingCentral - Send SMS action

The Send SMS action sends an SMS message to a phone number you specify using RingCentral.

# Input

Field Description
Phone number (to) Enter the recipient's phone number in E.164 format. For example, +18001237788.
Phone number (from) Enter the sender's phone number in E.164 format. For example, +18001237788.
Text Enter the content of the SMS message.

# Output

Field Description
URI The URI of the message.
ID The unique identifier of the message.
To An array containing information about the recipient.
Phone number (to) The phone number of the recipient.
Name (to) The name associated with the recipient.
From An object containing the sender's phone number and name.
Phone number (from) The phone number of the sender.
Name (from) The name associated with the sender.
Type The type of message.
Creation time The timestamp when the message was created.
Read status The read status of the message.
Priority The priority of the message.
Attachments An array containing details about the attachments.
ID (attachments) The unique identifier of the attachment.
URI (attachments) The URI of the attachment.
Type (attachments) The type of attachment.
Content type (attachments) The content type of the attachment.
Direction Indicates whether the message is inbound or outbound.
Availability The availability status of the message.
Subject The subject of the message.
Message status The status of the message.
Conversation ID The unique identifier of the conversation.
Conversation An object containing details about the conversation.
ID (conversation) The unique identifier of the conversation.
URI (conversation) The URI of the conversation.
Last modified time The timestamp when the message was last modified.

Last updated: 1/6/2025, 6:35:03 PM

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