# Amazon S3 action - Create bucket
This action creates a new bucket in Amazon S3.
Amazon S3 - Create bucket action
# Input fields
Field name | Description |
Bucket name | Bucket name should be 3-63 characters long. Please refer to Amazon S3 Rules for Bucket Naming (opens new window). |
Bucket region | The region where you want the bucket to reside. Please refer to the list of valid bucket regions below. |
Canned ACL | Use Amazon's Canned Access Control List (opens new window) to specify permissions for this bucket. |
# Output fields
There is no output for this action.
# List of valid bucket regions
Amazon S3 bucket can be set to reside in the following regions:
Region name | Region value |
US West (N. California) | us-west-1 |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 |
EU (Ireland) | eu-west-1 |
EU (London) | eu-west-2 |
EU (Paris) | eu-west-3 |
EU (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ap-south-1 |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-southeast-1 |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-northeast-1 |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-northeast-2 |
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) | ap-northeast-3 |
South America (São Paulo) | sa-east-1 |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 |
China (Beijing) | cn-north-1 |
China (Ningxia) | cn-northwest-1 |
See the Amazon S3 documentation (opens new window) for more information.
Last updated: 7/2/2021, 10:09:23 AM