# List folder action

This action lists all items from a specified folder in your SFTP server. All files and subfolders in the specified path will be retrieved. However, items in the subfolders will not be retrieved.

List folder action List folder action

# Input

Input field Description
Folder path Provide the full path of the folder to list its contents. Example: /folder1/folder2

# Output

The output of this action is a list of records with each record containing the following details:

Output field Description
Name The name of the file.
Symlink Whether this file contain links to other files.
Size The size of the file.
Owner The designated owner of the file.
Group The group that this file belongs to.
Permissions The permissions enabled on this file.
Last accessed time The last time this file was accessed.
Last modified time The last time this file was modified.
Directory Whether this item is a folder.
List size Total number of items in the list.
List index Position of each item in the list, starting at 0.

Last updated: 10/19/2023, 10:05:52 PM

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