# Create folder in SharePoint library action

This action creates a folder in a SharePoint library you specify.

# Input fields

Field Description
Site name Provide the name of the SharePoint site to which you plan to connect. If left blank, Workato connects to your default home site, as specified in your connection settings. The site name is located in the URL of the site page. For example, if the URL is https://company-name.sharepoint.com/sites/product, the site name is product.

If you plan to connect to a different site, you can provide the absolute URL to override the base URL. For example, if the input is https://company-name.sharepoint.com/teams/product, Workato connects to the provided input.

Alternatively, you can provide the absolute URL to connect to a different site. For example, entering https://company-name.sharepoint.com/teams/product connects Workato to the specified site directly.
Parent folder Provide the parent folder where the new folder is created.
Folder name Provide the name of the new folder you plan to create.

# Output fields

The output datatree contains the details of the newly created folder.

Field Description
Metadata Metadata about the file. This object contains the ID, URI, Etag, and Type of the file.
Activities Activities related to the folder.
Files The URL of the files contained within the folder.
List item all fields The URL of all fields associated with list items in the folder.
Parent folder The URL of the folder that contains the current folder.
Properties The URL of additional properties or attributes of the folder.
Storage metrics The URL of metrics related to the storage usage of the folder.
Folders The URL of subfolders within the current folder.
Unique ID The unique identifier for the folder.
Name The name of the folder.
Server Relative URL The relative URL of the folder within the SharePoint site.
Exists Indicates whether the folder exists.
Item count The number of items (files, subfolders, and more) in the folder.
Time created The timestamp indicating when the folder was created.
Time last modified The timestamp indicating when the folder was last modified.
Prog ID The programmatic identifier associated with the folder.
Welcome page The URL or path to the welcome page associated with the folder.
Is WOPI enabled Indicates whether Web Application Open Platform Interface (WOPI) is enabled.

Last updated: 7/25/2024, 5:12:40 PM