# Smartsheet - Update row action

The Update row action enables you to update an existing row within your Smartsheet sheet.

Update row action Smartsheet - Update row action

# Input

Input field Description
Sheet name Select the Smartsheet where the row you plan to update is located.
Row ID The unique identifier of the row in Smartsheet that you plan to update.
Columns The columns in the Smartsheet where the data is updated. Leave this field blank to display the first 100 columns.
Parent ID The ID of the parent row, if you are updating a child row. If To bottom is set to true, the system adds the row as the last child of the specified parent row.
Locked Specifies whether the row should be locked after the update.
Expanded Indicates if the row should be expanded to show details after the update.
Font The font style to be applied to the text in the row. Valid values are 0 to 3.
Sibling ID The ID of the sibling row, if the updated row is to be positioned relative to another row. If above is set to true, the system adds the row above the specified ID. Otherwise, it adds the row below the specified ID.
To top If set, the updated row is moved to the top of the sheet.
To bottom If set, the updated row is moved to the bottom of the sheet.
Above The ID of the row above which the updated row should be positioned. If set to true, the system inserts the new row above the row specified by the Sibling ID.
Cells Specific cell data to be updated in the row, such as Task Name, Assigned To, Complete, Status, and Comments.

# Output

Output field Description
Row ID The unique identifier of the row that was updated in Smartsheet.
Row number The number assigned to the updated row within the sheet.
Parent ID The ID of the parent row, if the updated row is a child row.
Parent row number The row number of the parent row, if applicable.
Locked Indicates whether the row is locked after the update.
Locked for user Shows if the row is locked specifically for the user after the update.
Expanded Indicates if the row details are expanded after the update.
Created at The timestamp of when the row was first created.
Modified at The timestamp of the last modification of the row.
Sibling ID The ID of a sibling row, if the updated row is positioned relative to another row.
Cells Details of the specific cell data in the row after the update, such as Task Name, Assigned To, Complete, Status, and Comments.

Last updated: 2/20/2024, 7:45:14 PM

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