# SMS by Workato

SMS by Workato is a Workato utility connector, developed to allow users to easily send SMS as a part of their workflow as they are building and designing recipes. It supports low volume use cases, around notification for critical alerts or debugging and testing. If you need to send SMS at scale we recommend utilizing the Twilio connector.


SMS by Workato is available to all users on US and SG Data Centers. We do not support other data centers and recommend using an SMS provider such as Twilio or Vonage instead.

Furthermore, all messages sent are appended with - via workato.com and the recipient sees the sender as "Workato".

# Send SMS action

# Input

Output Description
Phone Enter a US or SG phone number prepended with '+' and the country code. For example: +16505551212.
Message The message you plan to send, limited to 142 GSM-7 characters (or 52 UCS-2 characters). You can use this segment calculator (opens new window) to check your message length.

# Output

Output Description
Remaining calls The number of remaining calls Workato can execute out of the overall daily limit (25 calls).
Consumed calls The number of actions completed out of the overall daily limit (25 calls).
Reset time The time the daily limit resets.

# Limits

SMS by Workato is subject to the following rate limits:

  • 25 SMS for each workspace in a 24-hour period

If you exceed this rate limit, Workato throws an error and fails the job. If you need to send SMS at scale we recommend using your own SMS provider like Twilio or Vonage. To help you keep track of your usage, Workato supplies output datapills corresponding to your current consumed calls and reset time for the limits.

Last updated: 3/28/2024, 12:48:07 AM