# SOAP - Execute operation action
The SOAP connector has a single action: Execute operation. This action can be used to run any web service operation defined in the SOAP connection's WSDL document.
# Input fields
Example input fields for the SOAP execute operation action
Bindings define the protocol and message format for a set of operations. When you select the Execute operation action, Workato populates the list of bindings.
Operations correspond to the specific methods or functions you're calling on the remote web service. When you select the binding, Workato populates the list of operations.
Parameters are specific to each operation. When you select the operation, Workato populates the list of parameters you can work with. Select Show to see the parameters.
# Output fields
The output fields are determined by the operation you selected in the input. To use output fields in downstream steps, map in the relevant datapill from the datatree.
Example output fields for the SOAP execute operation action
Last updated: 7/24/2023, 8:45:02 PM