# Wrike - Modify user action

The Modify user action updates a user’s details in Wrike. You can retrieve the user ID from the List users action.

# Input

Input field Description
User ID Enter the ID of the user to update.
Job role ID Enter the job role ID to assign to the user.
Current bill rate Expand to define the bill rate details for the user.
Rate scope Define the scope for the bill rate.
Rate source Define the source for the bill rate, such as Job role or User.
Rate value Enter the bill rate value. Leave empty if the rate source is Job role.
Current cost rate Expand to define the cost rate details for the user.
Rate scope Define the scope for the cost rate.
Rate source Define the source for the cost rate, such as Job role or User. This field is required.
Rate value Enter the cost rate value. Leave empty if the rate source is Job role.

# Output

Output field Description
ID Unique identifier for the updated user.
First name First name of the user.
Last name Last name of the user.
Type Type of user account.
Profiles List of user profiles associated with the account.
Avatar URL URL of the user’s avatar image.
Timezone Time zone set in the user’s profile.
Locale Language and region settings of the user.
Deleted Indicates whether the user is deleted.
Me Indicates whether the updated user is the authenticated user.
Metadata Additional metadata associated with the user.
Title Job title of the user, if applicable.
Company name Name of the company the user is associated with.
Phone Phone number of the user, if available.
Primary email Primary email address of the user.

Last updated: 2/26/2025, 10:21:24 PM

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