# Zendesk - Get user details by ID action

This action retrieves details about a specific user that matches a search by user ID. Only records in your Zendesk instance that matches the criteria will be returned.

Get user details by ID action Get user details by ID action

# Input fields

Input field Description
User ID The unique Zendesk ID of the user.

# Output fields

The output of this action contains the full set of columns from the selected user. Here are some commonly used outputs.

Output field Description
ID The unique Zendesk ID of the user. This is automatically assigned when the user is created.
Role The role of the user. Permitted values are End-user, Agent, or Administrator.
Email The primary email of the user.
Organization ID The unique Zendesk ID of the user's organization. If the user has more than one organization membership, it will display the user's default organization.
User custom fields Includes data of user custom fields.

Click here for a full list of user outputs.

Last updated: 7/2/2021, 10:09:23 AM