# How-to guides - Setting up VCR for your unit tests

In this segment, we will be going through how you can set up VCR to record HTTP interactions for your unit tests.

# Why do I need VCR for my unit tests?

The VCR gem works hand in hand with RSpec tests to record any HTTP interactions (requests) that are sent out when you are running your test suite and play back the same responses if the test suite is run again.

This is critical for stable RSpec tests especially when you're working with an environments where data could be changing constantly. For example, for the same GET request, you might get a different response when later on, but VCR will be able to play your tests back with the same HTTP response it saw earlier, so your tests can make the same assertions.

This removes one aspect of variability in your tests and ensures that you're only testing for changes in your code and nothing else.

Learn more about VCR (opens new window).

# How do I get started?

When you generate a connector project using the command workato new [PATH], VCR will be set up automatically.

If you setup the project with the secure option, the VCR recordings are also encrypted. We recommend you use the secure option. In any case, your spec_helper.rb contains all information about your VCR recording configurations. Setting your project to secure ensures your VCR recordings are encrypted with your master.key. Below you can find an example of a spec_helper.rb which includes encryption.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'bundler/setup'
require 'json'
require "webmock/rspec"
require "timecop"
require "vcr"
require "workato-connector-sdk"
require "workato/testing/vcr_encrypted_cassette_serializer"
require "workato/testing/vcr_multipart_body_matcher"

RSpec.configure do |config|
  # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure
  config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status"

  # Disable RSpec exposing methods globally on `Module` and `main`

  config.expect_with :rspec do |c|
    c.syntax = :expect

VCR.configure do |config|
  config.cassette_library_dir = "tape_library"
  config.hook_into :webmock
  config.cassette_serializers[:encrypted] = Workato::Testing::VCREncryptedCassetteSerializer.new
  config.register_request_matcher :headers_without_user_agent do |request1, request2|
    request1.headers.except("User-Agent") == request2.headers.except("User-Agent")
  config.register_request_matcher :multipart_body do |request1, request2|
    Workato::Testing::VCRMultipartBodyMatcher.call(request1, request2)
  config.default_cassette_options = {
    record: ENV.fetch('VCR_RECORD_MODE', :none).to_sym,
    serialize_with: :encrypted,
    match_requests_on: %i[uri headers_without_user_agent body]


By default our record mode for secure is none which means no new VCR cassettes are recorded. To record new VCR cassettes, run the RSpec tests with the following command VCR_RECORD_MODE=once bundle exec rspec spec/actions/test_action_spec.rb.

# Can I make modifications to the VCR settings?

You can do so in spec_helper.rb. You can modify the spec_helper to suite your needs such as changing or relaxing the conditions as to how VCR matches your outgoing HTTP requests to previously recorded interactions.

Example: Relaxing VCR matching to accept different Authorization Headers by adjusting spec_helper.rb

config.register_request_matcher :headers_without_user_agent do |request1, request2|
  request1.headers.except('User-Agent', 'Authorization') == request2.headers.except('User-Agent', 'Authorization')

Last updated: 12/20/2023, 11:22:08 PM