# Set up CyberArk Conjur for project-level secrets management


Existing external secrets references that are scoped to the workspace level will stop working when you switch to project-specific secrets management.


Secrets management is available to customers on specific pricing plans. Refer to your pricing plan and contract to learn more.

# Conjur host configuration for Workato

Integration between Workato and Conjur is based on the host/workload API key authentication.

For Workato to retrieve a secret from your Conjur instance, an API authentication request is first sent to your Conjur server based on the parameters specified when configuring the CyberArk Conjur connector. If the credentials are valid, Conjur responds with a short-lived access token. Workato then uses this access token to retrieve the actual secret value stored in Conjur if the host has the necessary execute and read permissions.

Policies on Conjur are written as .yml files. Visit the CyberArk Conjur documentation for policy best practices (opens new window). The following steps describe how to develop a policy file.

For more information on policy syntax operators, refer to the CyberArk Conjur documentation (opens new window).


Declare a group at the root policy:

- !policy
  id: workato-app
    - !group workato-secret-users

Declare variables and assign the group [read, execute] permissions.

This example creates the sql-password-prod and sql-host-prod variables which store the password for a SQL database as well as the host name:

- &variables
  - !variable
    id: sql-password-prod
    kind: password
  - !variable
    id: sql-host-prod
    kind: password
- !permit
  role: !group /workato-app/workato-secret-users       # group declared earlier
  privileges: [read, execute]
  resources: *variables

Declare the host, a layer, and assign membership of the host into the layer:

- !host workato-us-prod-1
- !layer workato-us-prod
- !grant
     role: !layer workato-us-prod
        - !host workato-us-prod-1

Grant membership of the layer into the group:

- !grant
  role: !group workato-app/workato-secret-users
  member: !layer workato-app/ workato-us-prod

Create a new secret on Conjur:

- !variable
  id: ddog-api-key
  kind: password

Grant execute and read permissions to group on selected variables:

- !permit
  role: !group /workato-app/workato-secret-users     # layer declared earlier
  privileges: [read, execute]
  resources: !variable ddog-api-key
Expand for an example of a full policy
- !policy
  id: workato-app-dev
    - !group workato-secrets-dev
    - &variables
        - !variable
            id: sql-password-prod
            kind: password
        - !variable
            id: sql-host-prod
            kind: password
    - !permit
        role: !group /workato-app-dev/workato-secrets-dev       # group declared earlier
        privileges: [read, execute]
        resources: *variables
    - !host workato-us-dev-1
    - !layer workato-us-dev
    - !grant
        role: !layer workato-us-dev
            - !host workato-us-dev-1
    - !grant
        role: !group workato-secrets-dev
        member: !layer workato-us-dev

To which the expected response would be:

    "created_roles": {
        "workato:host:workato-app-dev/workato-us-dev-1": {
            "id": "workato:host:workato-app-dev/workato-us-dev-1",
            "api_key": "1q3ye3gxxxx"
    "version": 1

# Select project-level scope for secrets management


Sign in to your Workato workspace.


Navigate to Workspace admin > Settings > Security > External secrets manager.


In Scope, select the option Set up secrets management for each project individually.

Set up secrets management for the entire workspaceSet up secrets management for each project individually


Select Save.

# Step 2: Select the project


In Workato, navigate to your projects.


Select the project that you plan to configure with secrets management.


In the project, navigate to Settings > Secrets management.


In the Which secrets manager do you want to use? field, select CyberArk Conjur.

Secrets management interface of a project


Click Set up connection

# Step 3: Configure the following fields in Workato


Configure the following fields in Workato:

Configure CyberArk Conjur connection Configure CyberArk Conjur connection

  • Connection name

  • Name your CyberArk Conjur connection.

  • Connection type

  • Workato supports both cloud and on-prem connection types. If you plan to use an on-prem group, select one from the dropdown.

  • Server URL

  • To connect to Conjur Cloud, the server URL must follow this format:

  • Organization account name

  • To connect to Conjur Cloud, input conjur.

  • Login ID

  • For host authentication, the ID must be prefixed with host/, for example: host/workato-app/workato-user-1.

  • API key

  • Conjur generates an API key for every user when the user resource is created. Learn more about generating an API key in CyberArk Conjur's documentation (opens new window).

Last updated: 7/17/2024, 3:49:18 PM